Home » Visit Us » NVR Attractions » Second Hand Bookshop - Second Hand Bookshop
WHERE? Our bookshop is located in the bright red carriage (past the Old Station Building & Model Railway) on Platform 4, accessed via Platform 3 at Wansford Station.
WHEN? Expected to be open 7th & 8th September, 10:30 to 3:30 subject to volunteer availability
WHAT? We have a large range of books which cover most railway topics and also other transport subjects, i.e. cars, ships, traction engines, aircraft. Our books range from the common, coffee-table type to the sought-after, out-of-print examples and our prices reflect that.
If you’re trying to complete a run of magazines (especially Steam Days, BRILL, Back Track), you may find we have the back issues you’re looking for! We also have year bundles of old Railway Magazine and Trains Illustrated.
Not interested in railways? We have sections on sport, gardening, cookery, the countryside, history, etc.
In another part of the coach is a small ‘Thomas’ model railway layout which the children can help to operate.
DONATIONS – please email our office adminassistant@nvr.org.uk (with ‘book donation’ in the subject line) before bringing books to Wansford Station. Although we are grateful for donations of railway books, we can no longer accept videotapes, Steam Railway, Rail or large quantities of model railway magazines.
(All monies raised from the sale of these items go towards the maintenance and preservation of our Travelling Post Office coaches.)