Established at the Nene Valley Railway in November 2007, the principal aims of the International Railway Preservation Society (IRPS) are to:
- Support, both practically and financially, the restoration of rolling stock of the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits et des Grands Express Europeens, owned by and based at the Nene Valley Railway, currently comprising restaurant car 2975 and sleeping car 3916.
- Promote and develop a Museum facility to be called 'Night Mail' in order to display the carriages and associated artifacts, in conjunction with the Nene Valley Railway TPO group.
- Collate both historical and current-day information on the Wagons-Lits company, its carriages and artifacts, making the information freely available on the website, in publications and in the future museum facilities.
- Promote the worldwide preservation of historically important railway rolling stock and artifacts.
For more details, see the official IRPS website
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